reptile & amphibian species
Reptiles are animals with leathery, scaly skin that lay eggs and need to bask in the sun to raise their body temperature. There are many reptiles in the park. Most are harmless lizards or turtles, but there are also snakes that can be quite dangerous. If you see a snake at the park, walk away slowly and keep out of any long grass.
Amphibians are animals like frogs that live both in and out of the water. They need water to breed, and for their tadpoles to swim before they develop lungs and can leave the water. Amphibians are considered an indicator of an ecosystem’s health because they are very sensitive to water pollution. If there are lots of amphibians, it means an ecosystem is healthy.
Bearded Dragon
Eastern Long-necked Turtle
Striped Skink
Cunningham's Skink
Common Water Skink
Grass Skink
Three-lined Skink
Bouganville's Skink
Eastern Tiger Snake
Red-bellied Black Snake
Eastern Brown Snake
Eastern Blue-Tongued Lizard
Stumpytail Lizard
Amphibolurus barbatus
Chelodina longicollis
Ctenotus robustus
Egernia cunninghami
Eulamprus tympanum
Lampropholis guichenoti
Leiolopisma trilineata
Lerista bouganvilli
Notechis scutatus
Pseudechis porphyriacus
Pseudonaja textilis
Tiliqua scincoides
Trachydosaurus rugosus
Growling Grass Frog
Common Froglet
Litoria raniformis
Ranidella signifera